STANDARDIZED WORK - Processing Acknowledgements of Paternity (AOP)


Date/Version: (10/02/2024 v1)

Process Owner: Specialized Operations

Purpose - Processing AOP’s within 7 days to establish paternity


Step (1,2,3..) Process Step (list of the critical process steps) Dialogue (clear and simple descriptions, appropriate level of detail for the task)

Receiving AOP’s

  1. Check mail & lobby dropbox daily at beginning of shift (AOP’s received from hospitals, counties, parents and birthing centers)
  2. Check for FedEx packages

Sorting AOP’s

  1. Sort by mail type (hospitals, counties, parents, birthing centers, etc.)
  2. Count and organize by mail type
  3. Is there money and a birth certificate request attached?
  4. Yes —>
  5. Create a cover sheet for each mail type (include - date stamp, check mail type and assign to supervisor)
  6. Log in HOSPAT spreadsheet (See Monthly Compliance Tracker)
  7. File in cabinet for supervisor to review
  8. No —>
  9. Create cover sheet for each mail type (include - date stamp and check mail type)
  10. Log in HOSPAT spreadsheet (See Monthly Compliance Tracker)
  11. Divide and assign evenly to CSSO II’s (write name on cover sheet)
  12. File in cabinet for CSSO II’s to review

Processing AOP’s

  1. Retrieve AOP’s from file cabinet
  2. Review and verify information on AOP and in EBRS (See AOP Instructions Desk Aid)
  3. Are there errors or issues with the AOP?
  4. Yes —>
  5. Is it a hospital error?
  6. Yes —>
  7. Make a detailed note in EBRS (include the error)
  8. Contact the hospital and inform them of the error and request they send a correction letter to vital records
  9. Move to your pending folder
  10. Follow up to see if correction completed within 7 days
  11. Once correction is completed, it is okay to process AOP. If the correction is not completed then process as a rewrite and make notes on the coversheet.
  12. Is it a county error?
  13. Yes —>
  14. Make a detailed note in EBRS (include the error)
  15. Remove the AOP date
  16. Flag the record with “A” paternity pending code
  17. Contact the county and inform them of the error. Ask if they will contact the parents or will HPP handle it?
  18. Process as a rewrite and make notes on coversheet (if county makes parent contact no further action is needed) (Rewrite Instructions)
  19. File in rewrite drawer
  20. Is it a parent error?
  21. Yes —>
  22. Make a detailed note in EBRS and on the coversheet (include the error)
  23. Process as a rewrite and make notes on coversheet Rewrite Instructions
  24. File in rewrite drawer
  25. No —>
  26. Process AOP by entering date in EBRS
  27. Stamp paternity date on the bottom right corner of front page and initial
  28. Continue process for each AOP in stack
  29. Count and record on stat sheet
  30. Once AOP stack completed stamp on cover sheet DHS Paternity Date with date completed
  31. Scan into HPP folder using Ricoh
  32. Open file and rename (example rcvd 01-01-23 hosp 01-02-23 de)
  33. Send to work buddy in google electronic folder
  34. File in storage room under month and day pending to be uploaded to Onbase

Uploading AOP’s

  • 2 days after processing of AOP’s, work buddy retrieves electronic file and completes data entry in ATLAS (See Data Entry Desk Aid)
  • Once data entry is complete upload AOP into Onbase using Hyland Printer (See AOP Uploading Desk Aid)
  • Move completed electronic data entry AOPs to your completed folder and rename completed

Completion of AOP’s

  1. Next day in office pull from to be completed files and move to completed (exception counties and add fathers are in personal folder)


Change Number Change Proposed Updated by?

Change Made?


Reason Date Finalized
example Change font on all pages to pink Jane Doe No Pink not within approved standard font scheme 4/13/2018

see comments

Pam Sandoval


suggested changes